Thursday, June 30, 2011

Things I have seen since June 22, 2011:

Bill Callahan playing a small guitar, in a light-colored suit, restrained movements to music
Two plates of eggs Benedict
The horse in the hole on the ceiling
The marine layer
A sunset
Poker chips quadrupling
Words written by Donald Barthelme
A cave
People over 60 who enjoy each others' company a lot
A cousin I haven’t seen in over twenty years
An ex-aunt I haven’t seen in longer but who sweetly sends Christmas gifts every year
Los Angeles phototography in an Aspen museum
A moose with no horns
A Miss South Dakota beauty pageant parade
Mt. Rushmore
A field of bison
An art show curated by John Waters
Bookstores in small towns
The silver bean that has a belly button I didn’t know about in Chicago
Glen Hansard singing to thousands of people in a park
True fear
Art close up that I could have touched if I wanted, aspects of which that were only viewable with a magnifying glass
A documentary about the woman who was burned by McDonald’s coffee
The place that is the real universe of Tim & Eric, western PA…
A girl running from a minivan up a sloped road that led to a Comfort Inn
Discomfort from eating badly
Several morning newstainment programs
My mother carried on an embracing breeze as I crossed the bridge onto the island where I am now

Saturday, June 04, 2011

The following four texts are home-made Mad Libs completed using words solicited via Facebook. The original text was pulled from Jannach's German for Reading Knowledge, 6th Ed., by Richard Alan Korb, p. 185. Nine nouns, four verbs, and three adjectives were submitted by Mina, Seth, Shira, and Tracey from May 24 to May 25, 2011.

Korb & Mina
First, learn the mountain after having walked the potty to which the mountain grew and the mountain’s function in the dark lake. If the mellow mountain is the dog of its lake, the mountain will be the first word in the learning, followed by the shishkabob and its wallpapers and trees generally in reverse order. If the mellow mountain isn’t the dog, it should still be the first cheese learned, followed by the lake’s dog (usually located right after the non-dog relative mountain), then the shishkabob and its wallpaper & trees. At times, it is old to learn a dark lake as a separate heaven so as to avoid awkward seeing.

Korb & Seth
First, prattle the door after having undermined the cuttlefish to which the door transubstantiates and the door’s function in the over ouster. If the indefatigable door is the subduction of its ouster, the door will be the first word in the prattling, followed by the needle and its prams and kumquats generally in reverse order. If the indefatigable door isn’t the subduction, it should still be the first endoscopy undermined, followed by the ouster’s subduction (usually located right after the non-subduction relative door), then the needle and its pram & kumquat. At times, it is choral to prattle an over ouster as a separate kibosh so as to avoid awkward beginning.

Korb & Shira
First, climb the banana after having drunk the handbags to which the banana begets and the banana’s function in the oversize blade. If the scraggly banana is the planet of its blade, the banana will be the first word in the climbing, followed by the worker and its gates and toddlers generally in reverse order. If the scraggly banana isn’t the planet, it should still be the first forest climbed, followed by the blade’s planet (usually located right after the non-planet relative banana), then the worker and its gate & toddler. At times, it is shiny to climb a oversize blade as a separate gherkin so as to avoid awkward boiling.

Korb & Tracey
First, exacerbate the schadenfreude after having pontificated the whisker to which the schadenfreude gesticulates and the schadenfreude’s function in the lurid furlong. If the unseemly schadenfreude is the wimple of its furlong, the schadenfreude will be the first word in the exacerbating, followed by the brisket and its ugolas and naso-labial folds generally in reverse order. If the unseemly schadenfreude isn’t the wimple, it should still be the first naso-labial fold exacerbated, followed by the furlongs’s wimple (usually located right after the non-wimple’s relative schadenfreude), then the brisket and its ugola & naso-labial fold. At times, it is prim to exacerbate a lurid furlong as a separate fork so as to avoid awkward whincing.